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Since the launch of Skylanders, some of the most exciting, sought-after figures for Skylanders collectors have been Special Edition characters. These rare figures are sure to be the crown jewel in any Skylanders collection.
With the release of Skylanders Imaginators, two new Special Edition sets will be available: the Skylanders Imaginators Dark Edition and the Skylanders Imaginators Crash Edition. This FAQ will tell you all you need to know about getting your hands on them.
To find a Skylanders retailer, check out our Where to Buy page.
A Special Edition is a Skylanders toy that is differently-colored, produced in limited numbers, or created for a special event. They’re highly prized by Skylanders collectors and can often be found in Special Edition Skylanders Starter Packs or other specially-marked character packs.
Two Special Edition Starter Packs will be available with the launch of Skylanders Imaginators: the Dark Edition and the Crash Edition. The Dark Edition Skylanders Imaginators Starter Pack comes with three silver-and-black Skylanders Senseis while the Crash Edition Skylanders Imaginators Starter Pack for PlayStation 3 and PlayStaion 4 comes with everybody’s favorite sneaker-wearing marsupial Crash Bandicoot and his arch-enemy, the wily Dr. Neo Cortex.
If you’re interested in purchasing a Special Edition Starter Pack, check out our Where to Buy page.
A Skylanders Starter Pack has everything you need to start your Skylanders adventure. The Skylanders Imaginators Starter Pack contains a copy of the game, two Skylanders Senseis, one Fire Creation Crystal, a sticker sheet, a collector’s poster featuring the complete set of Skylanders Imaginator toys, and a new Portal of Power.
The specific contents of the Xbox One and Xbox 360 Dark Editions are broken out here:
Xbox One and 360
The specific contents of the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 Dark Editions are broken out here:
PlayStation 3 and 4
Here are the contents of the Crash Edition for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3:
PlayStation 3 and 4.
The specific contents of the Nintendo Switch and Wii U Dark Edition are broken out here:
Nintendo Switch and Wii U
Yes! The Crash Bandicoot and Dr. Neo Cortex figures are not exclusive to PlayStation and can be played on any console.
Not at launch. Sometime after the launch of Skylanders Imaginators they will be released in a separate Adventure Pack. If you’re interested in finding a retailer near you that has Adventure Packs for sale, check out our Where to Buy page.