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We want to thank you for being valued fans. As of December 1, 2018, the GHTV mode within Guitar Hero Live is no longer available to play as we have terminated the service for GHTV and servers were shut down. Console versions of the GH Live mode continue to operate as usual.
As of June 1, 2018, iOS versions of the Guitar Hero Live game for mobile are no longer be available for download via the app store. However, if you still own the app and have it installed on your device, you can continue to play the GH Live mode on your installed device. Please note: if you update your iOS software, the app may no longer be supported.
Additionally, on June 1, 2018, all GHTV in-game purchases were turned off, and as of December 1, 2018, Hero Cash and associated items are no longer available.
Thank you for playing GHTV, and head to GH Live mode on console to continue to play.
After servers were shut down on December 1, 2018, all content and features within GHTV mode in Guitar Hero Live is no longer be available to play.
No, the ability to use Hero Cash or associated items ended on the GHTV sunset date of December 1, 2018.
The Guitar Hero Live app for mobile is no longer available for download. Players that own the game and have previously downloaded the app can re-download the app from their Cloud services, as long as they do not update their iOS software.