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Using the Paintshop and Emblem Editor in Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Details on how to use the Paintshop and Emblem Editor, as well as sharing your in-game creations


The Paintshop in Call of Duty: Black Ops III is your tool for customizing and personalizing your weapons. Also, the Emblem Editor allows you to create further personalization in game, on the leaderboards, and more. Both the Paintshop and the Emblem Editor can be reached by pressing the Menu button from the main menu or any game mode menu, and then selecting Paintshop from the Identity tab.

Paintjobs may be created for any weapon, regardless of whether or not the weapon has been unlocked through progression.

Once a Paintshop or Emblem is completed and saved, you can Publish it to your Showcase, allowing fellow players to check out and rate your work. To publish your creation:

  1. Highlight the Paintjob in the Paintshop, or the Emblem in the Emblem Editor.
  2. Press the Menu button to open Options.
  3. Select Publish to name and push your creation to your Showcase.

To view your Showcase, press the Menu button from the main menu or any game mode menu, and then select My Showcase from the Media tab.

To view other player's Showcases, open the Social menu, select a Friend or a Recent Player, and then select Showcase.

Please note: Paintshop creations are for your personal use only. While you can share your creations and view those of others for inspiration, you may only use your own creations.

If you're unable to see yours or another player's Paintjob or Emblem, be sure to enable User Generated Content in the Content Filter settings. To enable User Generated Content:

  1. Press the Menu button from the main menu or any game mode menu.
  2. Tab over to Options and then select Content Filter.

  3. Toggle the User Generated Content option to Enabled.

Please note: The Paintshop and Emblem Editor are only available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.


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