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With the release of Title Update 8 on March 21, 2016, the NUK3TOWN Bonus Map and the NUK3TOWN Personalization Pack are now free to all players on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Players simply need to launch Call of Duty: Black Ops III and allow the game to update as normal. Once the update is downloaded and installed, the NUK3TOWN digital content will be available.
Where do I find the NUK3TOWN map?
NUK3TOWN is available in the normal Playlist rotation, as well as in Chaos Moshpit. Also, be on the lookout for dedicated a NUK3TOWN playlist in the Bonus playlist section which will be available on special NUK3TOWN weekends.
Where do I find the NUK3TOWN Personalization Pack content?
The NUK3TOWN Personalization Pack includes a Calling Card, Weapon Camo, and Reticles.
The NUK3TOWN Calling Card can be found by selecting Menu from the Multiplayer lobby and choosing the Calling Cards section of the Identity menu.Apply the NUK3TOWN Weapon Camo or Reticles within Create A Class. Choose a weapon or an optic, select Personalize, then go to the Extras tab.