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Downloading Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC

Steps for downloading DLC and Map Packs for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Whenever new content or updates are available, it is important to allow these packages to download completely before playing the game or accessing the new content. New content includes DLC packs, title updates, console updates, and compatibility packs. Attempting to play the game or access the content prior to completion of the download can cause errors that may require the uninstallation and reinstallation of some or all of the content.

  1. From the Home screen, navigate to the top-left portion of the screen and select PlayStation Store.
  2. Select GamesNew Add-Ons.
  3. Select the DLC you wish to install. If it is not available on the first screen, select New Add-Ons, then select the DLC you wish to install.
  4. Select Download.
  5. Once the download is complete, exit the store, then launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
  1. Press the Xbox button on the controller to return to the Home screen. Or, say, “Xbox, go home.
  2. Select My games and apps.
  3. Highlight Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, then press the Menu button.
  4. Select See in Xbox Store.
  5. Scroll right until you see the column of add-ons.
  6. Select the DLC you wish to install, and then select Install.
  7. Once the download is complete, launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare to play the DLC Pack.
  1. Log in to the PlayStation Network.
  2. Launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and select Multiplayer.
  3. Select Store from the Multiplayer Menu.
  4. Select the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Add-On you wish to install.
  5. Select Add to Cart, then select View Cart.
  6. Select Proceed to Checkout, then select Confirm Purchase.
  7. Select Download All.
  8. Once the download is complete, exit the store, then launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
  1. Log in to Xbox Live.
  2. Launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and select Multiplayer.
  3. Select Xbox Live from the menu.
  4. In the Multiplayer menu, select Store.
  5. Under Map Packs, select the DLC you wish to download.
  6. Select Download, then select Confirm Purchase.
  7. Press the Guide Button and select Xbox Home. (You must exit the game to complete your download.)
  8. Press the Guide Button again and select Games & Apps.
  9. Select Active Downloads.
  10. Select the DLC to complete your download.
  11. Once the download is complete, you can return to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and play the DLC pack.
  1. Launch Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and select Multiplayer.
  2. Select Store.
  3. Right-click on the DLC button or scroll through the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare content browser to find the DLC you wish to install.
  4. Click Add to Cart and complete your purchase. Once purchased, the DLC will automatically download and integrate with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

「軟體授權與服務合約」將會更新。請點選此連結 [https://www.activision.com/tw/zh/legal/ap-eula] 以查看這些變更。