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The following FAQ addresses frequently asked questions concerning the multiplayer elements of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan. Please note that there are no strategy hints or tips in the following article.
When playing a multiplayer game with fewer than four players, the game itself will play as any unused Turtle. Players cannot switch their Turtles once a stage begins.
To fix this issue, do a hard restart of your console and wait one minute after the dashboard appears before launching the game.
This can happen when your NAT type is set to “3” on PlayStation or “Strict” on Xbox or PC. For best performance, set your NAT to “1” on PlayStation or “Open” on Xbox or PC.
The Objective option allows you to let other players know what you’ll be focusing on during your multiplayer sessions. Examples include “leveling up” and “hunting emblems.” The Objective option has no effect on actual gameplay.
This is an issue that crops up when you start the game less than 30 seconds after your Xbox One starts up. To fix this issue, do a hard restart of your Xbox One and wait one minute after the dashboard appears before launching the game.