软件许可及服务协议》即将更新。请单击此链接 [https://www.activision.com/cn/zh/legal/ap-eula] 查看这些变更。
No, these titles are not under the Play Anywhere program. If you purchase for Windows 10 on Windows Store, you will only be able to play on your PC. If you purchase on Xbox One, you will only be able to play on your Xbox One console.
No, you can only play these titles with other users of Windows 10 on Windows Store.
No, you can only play these titles with other users of Windows 10 on Windows Store.
Yes, you will need to have a Microsoft account to play.
Xbox Live Gold is not required to play online for Windows 10 on Windows Store. If you are playing offline, you will have access to Single Player only. An internet connection will be required to download the game(s).
Go to www.geforce.com/drivers/results/110597.
Go to support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows+10+-+64.
For players who downloaded the AMD driver on 11/03, the new driver has been released and is linked above. Be sure to download and install this new driver.