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Reset Stats or Ranks in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

An explanation of why your stats or rank might have been reset or rolled back in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered


Question: My Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered rank and stats have been reset or are lower than where they were the last time I played. What happened?

Answer: If your rank or stats have become altered or modified outside of normal game mechanics, the Call of Duty servers will attempt to restore them using the most recently stored backup. This means that your rank or stats might not be exactly where they were before the reset occurred.


Question: What might have caused this?

Answer: Rank and stats issues can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Playing on a Wi-Fi connection — Wireless connections tend to be unstable and can lead to data loss.
  • Playing on a shared connection — Data loss can occur over shared connections, such as institutional (school) or corporate networks.
  • Quitting matches early — Data is routinely stored at the conclusion of each match. Leaving a match early can negatively impact data being saved from previous matches.
  • Exiting the game early — Leaving the game before a Public Match is complete could impact data from previous matches.
  • Playing in Private Matches with players you don't know — Accepting Private Match invitations from players you don't know can unknowingly enter you into a hacked lobby and/or leave you susceptible to corruption or loss of data.


Question: How can I ensure this doesn't happen?

Answer: Here are some best practices to protect your rank and stats:

  • Always play Public Matches over a wired connection.
  • Avoid playing on a shared connection.
  • Always complete Public Matches.
  • Only play Private Matches with players you know and trust.


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