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This FAQ deals with frequently asked questions regarding technical issues in King's Quest: Once Upon a Climb.
If you are having gameplay or progression issues with the game, check out our King's Quest: Once Upon a Climb Issues FAQ.
This is a known issue that has no effect on gameplay. In addition, the remainder of the cutscenes should have their music play. To avoid this issue, do not save the game during a cutscene.
The left and right triggers act as an interact button while the D-pad can be used to move the cursor.
This is a rare issue that occurs when you play King’s Quest: Once Upon a Climb immediately after playing King’s Quest: Rubble Without a Cause without shutting down your console between play sessions. Restart your console, and then restart King’s Quest: Once Upon a Climb to eliminate this issue.
This is due to an error in the Xbox 360 voice track for the game and cannot be resolved. The following are Gwendolyn’s lines of dialogue in that scene:
This is an extremely rare bug that occurs during an autosave cycle. You can resume play by restarting and reloading the game.