소프트웨어 라이센스 및 서비스 계약이 업데이트됩니다. 변경 사항을 보려면 다음 링크[https://www.activision.com/ko/legal/ap-eula]를 확인하십시오.
Question: Why am I unable to play my PlayStation 4 version of King's Quest: A Knight to Remember?
Answer: We are aware of an issue with the PlayStation 4 King's Quest: The Complete Collection digital bundle. Players that pre-ordered/pre-loaded the game are not receiving their copy of Chapter One and cannot play the game. They are only receiving the Season Pass and the pre-load data. When they attempt to run the game, they receive a message that the game needs to be updated.
In order to receive your copy of King's Quest, do the following procedure:
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