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Reporting a Player in Call of Duty: Black Ops II

How to report a cheating or offensive player in Call of Duty: Black Ops II


If you suspect that a player is cheating, or you feel a player is using language or an emblem that you find offensive, you can report the player without leaving your game. If you choose to report a player who is on your Friends list, you should remove that player from your Friends list.

To report a player from the main menu:

  1. Highlight the player from the Multiplayer Lobby.
  2. Select View Playercard.
  3. Select Report Player.
  4. Choose one of the four options: Offensive Language, Offensive Emblem, Cheater, or Booster.

To report a player in a Multiplayer match:

  1. Open the in-game Scoreboard.
  2. Highlight the player from the Scoreboard.
  3. Select View Playercard.
  4. Select Report Player.
  5. Choose one of the four options: Offensive Language, Offensive Emblem, Cheater, or Booster.

To report a player through Xbox Live:

Xbox 360

  1. Press the Guide button on your controller.
  2. Select Friends, and then go to the Players tab.
  3. Select File Complaint. Then, select File Complaint again on the next screen.
  4. Select one of the following general reasons for filing the complaint:
    • Profile: The player's Gamertag, personal picture, or personal information contains inappropriate material.
    • Text and Voice Communications: The player used vulgar, hateful, harassing, or threatening language in voice or text communications.
    • Video Communications: The player was vulgar, hateful, harassing, or threatening in video communication.
    • Tampering: The player tampered with a game, a console, Xbox LIVE, or the feedback system.
  5. Select one of the following specific reasons for filing the complaint:
    • Profile: Gamertag, Personal Picture, Personal Info, Player Content
    • Text and Voice Communications: Text Message, Voice Message, Voice Chat, In-Game Voice
    • Video Communications: Picture Message, Video Chat
    • Tampering: Feedback Tampering, System Tampering, Cheating
  6. Select File Complaint.

Xbox One

  1. From the home screen, press left on the control pad to see your friends.
  2. Select Recent Players to see a list of people you recently played with. You can also search for a name using Find someone.
  3. Once the player is chosen, select Report or block, then select Report. You may also choose to block the player by selecting Block.
  4. Select the reason for your report.
  5. Select Report to submit your report to Xbox Live. You may also choose Add comment if you feel more information is needed.

We take this issue very seriously, and we appreciate your bringing cheaters to our attention. Your report will be reviewed, and we will take appropriate actions if necessary. Due to confidentiality, we will not provide updates or actions taken as a result of your report. However, we may get in touch with you if we have any further questions.


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