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Ghostbusters Gameplay FAQ

This article will help with common gameplay questions about Ghostbusters.

Is there something strange in your neighborhood? Then you need the Ghostbusters! This FAQ addresses frequently asked question regarding gameplay elements in Ghostbusters. Note that while there are no strategy hints or tips in the following article, it is possible that certain story or gameplay elements may be spoiled by these questions.

General Issues

Certain ghosts may hide within the level. Be sure you’ve thoroughly searched the area using your PKE meter.

While extremely rare, it is possible that the game has “missed” the checkpoint to progress in the level even though you’ve defeated all of the ghosts. If this happens, restart the level at the previous checkpoint and be sure to capture all of the ghosts.

This is a very rare issue. If you experience it, you can restart the level from the last checkpoint.

This is a rare issue that can be fixed by switching to your PKE meter and then back to your regular weapon.

Yes. This comes up when the game has been running for an extended period of time, and can be resolved by restarting the game.

In the event that you experience this, simply press the vent (reload) button to resolve it.

Simply progress through the level to the next cutscene or restart the level from your last saved checkpoint.

No. If players join the game in the middle of a level, they’ll be automatically assigned to a random character. Once the level is complete, however, the new player will be able to select their character before the next level begins.

Classic Ghostbusters Suits

Once downloaded, the classic Ghostbusters suits will be available on the character selection screen that appears when you select a mission from the map of Manhattan.

Rowan's Devices

Rowan’s Devices are the game’s collectibles. They’re usually a reward for exploring levels and are protected by a capturable ghost.

Nothing. Rowan’s Devices are not hidden in the Aldridge Manor, Limbo, and Remix levels.

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