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Prestige Mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops III

How Prestige works and the options that come with Prestiging


One of the many challenges in Call of Duty: Black Ops III is gaining XP to advance through the levels. Each level progressively requires more XP to rank up to the next level until reaching the maximum rank of Commander (Level 55). However, there’s still some XP to be gained after reaching Level 55.

After earning 55,600 XP at the maximum Level 55, you can continue playing as normal, but XP earned will not count toward any further level progression, and you will no longer earn Unlock Tokens.

You can also enter Prestige Mode.

What is Prestige Mode?

Prestige Mode is essentially another step in the overall progression in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Entering Prestige Mode resets players to Level 1 and relocks all of the Weapons, Lethals, Tacticals, Perks, Wildcards, Scorestreaks, and Specialist weapons and abilities obtained with Unlock Tokens. However, all weapon attachments, Challenges and Challenge progress, Camos and Camo progress, Calling Cards and Calling Card progress, items acquired through the Black Market, and other customization items remain intact.

To enter Prestige Mode:

  1. Select Menu from any menu.
  2. From the Barracks tab, select your Multiplayer Combat Record.
  3. Open the Prestige Mode option in the bottom right corner.


barracks mp


Entering Prestige Mode also comes with some unique bonuses and options:


Prestige Challenges – After entering Prestige for the first time, players can progress through a host of new Challenges based on Combat Handling and Efficiency, Perks, Lethals, Tacticals, and Wildcards.

prestige challenges


To access Prestige Challenges:

  1. Select Menu from any menu.
  2. From the Challenges tab, select Multiplayer.
  3. Tab over to Prestige to view the new Challenges and challenge progression.


Permanent Unlocks – Permanently unlock any item that requires an Unlock Token to access, making it available at Level 1.

prestige mode


unlock select


unlok confirm


unlocked item


Create A Class slots – Each of the first five Prestige levels earned unlocks a new Create A Class slot.

create a class


Prestige Calling Cards – Players are awarded a special Prestige Calling Card with each Prestige level earned.

calling cards


Prestige Icons – Replacing the individual rank icons, Prestige Icons reside next a player’s name in lobbies, in game, and on scoreboards to indicate Prestige level earned. Players can achieve 10 levels of Prestige and, after surpassing Level 55 at Prestige 10, unlock Master Prestige.

Players who reach Master Prestige on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC can continue to earn XP and gain levels up to Level 1000. Further, a Prestige Master’s levels after 55 are marked with an orange color in lobbies, in game, and on scoreboards.

prestige icons


Is there anything else?

Yes. After reaching Prestige for the first time, players will have two extra options with each subsequent Prestige level achieved. Along with entering the next Prestige level, players can choose the following:

  1. Perform an Unlock Token Refund.
  2. Perform a Fresh Start.


Refund – Re-lock all unlocked items and get all previously spent Unlock Tokens refunded. This allows you to try other Weapons, Lethals, Tacticals, Perks, Wildcards, Scorestreaks, and Specialist weapons and abilities before entering Prestige and starting over at Level 1.

Refund doesn’t affect items that have been unlocked permanently.



Fresh Start – Completely and permanently reset all stats and progress and start over at Level 1 as if never playing in a Public Match. This does not affect leaderboards, or Black Market or customization items. Learn more about Fresh Start.

fresh start


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