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- Stats, Rank, and Progression
- Ranked Play
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Warranty Replacement
- Gameplay
- Installation and Setup
- COD Points and Battle Pass
- Activision Account
- Security and Enforcement
- Codes and Digital Content
- Gameplay
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Stats, Rank, and Progression
- Codes and Digital Content
- Installation and Setup
- COD Points and Battle Pass
- Warranty Replacement
- Activision Account
- Security and Enforcement
- Pre-Orders
- App Troubleshooting
- COD Points and Store
- General Information
- Security and Enforcement
- Activision Account
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Activision Account
- Gameplay
- Ranked Play
- Codes and Digital Content
- Installation and Setup
- Stats, Rank, and Progression
- COD Points and Battle Pass
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Security and Enforcement
- Activision Account
- Gameplay
- COD Points and Battle Pass
- Codes and Digital Content
- Warranty Replacement
- Stats, Rank, and Progression
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Security and Enforcement
- Gameplay
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Activision Account
- Disc and Installation
- Codes and Digital Content
- Stats, Rank, and Progression
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- COD Points and Battle Pass
- Gameplay
- Codes and Bonus Content
- Activision Account
- Security & Enforcement
- Disc and Installation
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Activision Account
- COD Points and Battle Pass
- Gameplay
- Security & Enforcement
- Codes and Bonus Content
- Stats and Rank
- Warranty Replacement
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Warranty Replacement
- COD Points and Battle Pass
- Campaign
- Stats and Rank
- Multiplayer
- Security & Enforcement
- Activision Account
- Gameplay
- Challenges
- Customizations and Skate Shop
- Warranty Replacement
- Stats and Currency
- Minimum Requirements
- Disc and Installation
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Gameplay
- General Information
- App Troubleshooting
- COD Points and Store
- Activision Account
- Feedback and Bug Reporting
- Gameplay Questions
- Security and Enforcement
- Installation and Setup
- Bonus Content
- Campaign
- Pit Stop and Wumpa Coins
- Warranty Replacement
- Online
- Adventure
- Local Arcade
- Pre-Orders and Codes
- Gameplay
- Disc and Installation Issues
- Single Player
- Warranty Replacement
- Bug Reporting
- Blackout
- Codes and Bonus Content
- Security & Enforcement
- Multiplayer
- Stats & Rank
- Warranty Replacement
- Zombies
- COD Points/Loot
- Stats & Rank
- Warranty Replacement
- COD Points/Supply Drops
- Multiplayer
- Campaign
- Security & Enforcement
- Codes
- Codes
- Warranty Replacement
- Single Player
- Multiplayer
- Codes
- COD Points/Supply Drops
- Stats & Rank
- Security & Enforcement
- Campaign
- Warranty Replacement
- Warranty Replacement
- Campaign
- Stats & Rank
- Security & Enforcement
- Codes
- Multiplayer
- Racing Mode
- Game Troubleshooting
- In-game Purchases
- Portal
- Toy
- Warranty Replacement
- Game Troubleshooting
- Warranty Replacement
- Codes
- King's Quest: Epilogue
- King's Quest: The Good Knight
- King's Quest: Snow Place Like Home
- King's Quest: Rubble Without a Cause
- King's Quest: Once Upon a Climb
- King's Quest: A Knight to Remember
- Stats & Rank
- Upgrades/Awards
- Campaign
- In-game Messages
- Loot
- Multiplayer
- Warranty Replacement
- Report Cheaters
- Multiplayer
- Installation
- Security & Enforcement
- Codes
- Zombies
- COD Points/Supply Drops
- Stats & Rank
- Campaign
- Warranty Replacement
- Upgrades/Awards
- Warranty Replacement
- Security & Enforcement
- Stats & Rank
- Report Cheaters
- Campaign
- Multiplayer
- Calibration Troubleshooting
- Guitar Hero Live
- Warranty Replacement
- Guitar Troubleshooting
- Portal
- Toy
- In-game Purchases
- Warranty Replacement
- Co-Op
- Stickers, Cards, Posters, and In-Game Achievements
- Racing Mode
- Game Troubleshooting
- Warranty Replacement
- Security & Enforcement
- Multiplayer
- Prestige or Hardened Edition
- Report Cheaters
- Upgrades/Awards
- Campaign
- Stats & Rank
- Game Troubleshooting
- Warranty Replacement
- My game crashes or freezes
- I didn’t get a Ranked Play reward
- What are the different editions of the game?
- My account was temporarily banned
- I forgot my Activision account password
- My game won’t load or install
- I’m experiencing a lot of lag
- I can't link my accounts
- I got an error message when redeeming a code
- I didn’t get an item from a promotion
- I don't have access to the email for my Activision Account
- I'm having issues with my Battle Pass purchase
- I can't unlink an account
- My retail box is missing items
- My code is missing or unreadable
- I want to leave feedback
- I'm missing an item I bought in the Store
- How do I add friends to my profile?
- I’m experiencing a lot of lag
- I can’t connect online
- I can’t connect online
- How does Ranked Play work?
- I didn't get the Woods Operator Pack
- I want to report a bug
- I didn't get a password reset email
- I can't find my two-factor authentication backup codes
- I can’t find a match
- My Voice Chat has been muted
- I have a question about progression
- I'm having issues purchasing COD Points from the Store
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- My Skill Rating dropped after a match
- My Text Chat has been muted
- I’m not gaining progress from a Challenge
- I'm having issues spending COD Points in game
- I'm having an issue with two-factor authentication
- I have a question about my Skill Rating
- My account was permanently banned
- Where do I enter my code?
- I can’t find a match
- I didn’t get an unlock or reward
- My game crashes or freezes
- How do I change my name in game?
- I didn’t get a verification code to make a change to my account
- I'm missing an item I unlocked with the Battle Pass
- I would like to report a player
- I didn't receive an item from a pre-order
- My game won’t load or install
- I didn't receive COD Points I bought
- My Activision account was hacked
- I didn't receive an item from a pre-order
- I’m experiencing a lot of lag
- My Activision account was hacked
- I didn’t get an item from a promotion
- I'm having issues purchasing COD Points from the Store
- I can't find my two-factor authentication backup codes
- I can’t connect online
- Where do I enter my code?
- I forgot my Activision account password
- My account was temporarily banned
- I'm having issues spending COD Points in game
- I can’t connect online
- I didn’t get an unlock or reward
- I have a question about progression
- I don't have access to the email for my Activision Account
- I want to report a bug
- My Text Chat has been muted
- I didn't receive COD Points I bought
- I didn't get the Woods Operator Pack with my Game Pass subscription
- What are the different editions of the game?
- I’m not gaining progress from a Challenge
- How do I add friends to my profile?
- I got an error message when redeeming a code
- My code is missing or unreadable
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I didn't get the Woods Operator Pack with my Game Pass subscription
- I can't unlink an account
- I can’t find a match
- I would like to report a player
- My retail box is missing items
- I can’t find a match
- How do I change my name in game?
- I want to leave feedback
- My Voice Chat has been muted
- I'm having issues with my Battle Pass purchase
- My game won’t load or install
- I didn't get a password reset email
- I'm having an issue with two-factor authentication
- My game crashes or freezes
- My account was permanently banned
- I didn't get the Woods Operator Pack
- I'm missing an item I unlocked with the Battle Pass
- My rank was reset to 1 after I relinked my account
- My game crashes or freezes
- I can't link my accounts
- I didn’t get a verification code to make a change to my account
- I’m experiencing a lot of lag
- My game won’t load or install
- I'm missing an item I bought in the Store
- How can I get the Foundry Demo?
- My code is missing or unreadable
- What are the different editions of the game?
- I got an error message when redeeming a code
- I’m having trouble downloading the app
- My account was permanently banned
- I don’t have access to the email for my Activision account
- I can't find the game in the app store
- I have a question about the game
- I didn't get a password reset email
- I want to report a bug
- I'm having issues purchasing COD Points from the Store
- I’m having trouble connecting to the game
- My account was temporarily banned
- I'm missing an item I bought in the Store
- I’m having an issue with two-factor authentication
- What are the minimum requirements?
- I can't find my two-factor authentication backup codes
- I want to leave feedback
- I didn't receive COD Points I bought
- My Activision account was hacked
- I can’t link my accounts
- I'm getting a message saying my device doesn't have enough storage
- I didn’t get a verification code to make a change to my account
- I forgot my Activision account password
- I can’t unlink an account
- What should I do if the app won’t launch, freezes, or crashes?
- My rank was reset to 1 after I relinked my account
- I can't unlink an account
- I’m experiencing a lot of lag
- Where do I enter my code?
- I want to leave feedback
- How does Ranked Play work?
- I can't find my two-factor authentication backup codes
- I'm having an issue with two-factor authentication
- I'm having issues purchasing COD Points from the Store
- I didn’t get an item from a promotion
- My rank was reset to 1 after I relinked my account
- I'm having issues with my Battle Pass purchase
- I can’t connect online
- I'm having issues spending COD Points in game
- My Skill Rating dropped after a match
- My code is missing or unreadable
- My game crashes or freezes
- I would like to report a player
- I'm missing an item I unlocked with the Battle Pass
- I didn't get the Woods Operator Pack with my Game Pass subscription
- I can't link my accounts
- I have a question about my Skill Rating
- I got an error message when redeeming a code
- I’m experiencing a lot of lag
- I didn't receive COD Points I bought
- I didn't get a password reset email
- I didn't get the Woods Operator Pack with my Game Pass subscription
- My account was temporarily banned
- I don't have access to the email for my Activision Account
- I have a question about progression
- My Voice Chat has been muted
- I can’t find a match
- My account was permanently banned
- I can’t connect online
- I’m not gaining progress from a Challenge
- I didn’t get a Ranked Play reward
- My game won’t load or install
- I want to report a bug
- I didn’t get an unlock or reward
- My Activision account was hacked
- How do I change my name in game?
- I didn't get the Woods Operator Pack
- I'm missing an item I bought in the Store
- I didn’t get a verification code to make a change to my account
- My game crashes or freezes
- My game won’t load or install
- How do I add friends to my profile?
- I forgot my Activision account password
- I can’t find a match
- My Text Chat has been muted
- I can't link my accounts
- My code is missing or unreadable
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm missing an item I bought in the Store
- I can't unlink an account
- I have a question about progression
- I got an error message when redeeming a code
- I didn’t get an unlock or reward
- I didn't receive COD Points I bought
- I’m not gaining progress from a Challenge
- I didn't get a password reset email
- My account was temporarily banned
- I didn’t receive an item from the Final Judgement Pack
- My retail box is missing items
- I'm having issues purchasing COD Points from the Store
- What are the different editions of the game?
- My Voice Chat has been muted
- My account was permanently banned
- I can’t connect online
- I can’t find a match
- My Text Chat has been muted
- I want to report a bug
- I forgot my Activision account password
- How do I change my name in game?
- I didn’t get a verification code to make a change to my account
- My game won’t load or install
- I don't have access to the email for my Activision Account
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm having issues with my Battle Pass purchase
- I’m experiencing a lot of lag
- Where do I enter my code?
- I'm having an issue with two-factor authentication
- How do I add friends to my profile?
- I can't find my two-factor authentication backup codes
- I would like to report a player
- I'm missing an item I unlocked with the Battle Pass
- I want to leave feedback
- I didn’t get an item from a promotion
- My Activision account was hacked
- My rank was reset to 1 after I relinked my account
- I'm having issues spending COD Points in game
- I can’t unlink an account
- I didn’t get an unlock or reward
- I want to report a bug
- I’m having an issue with two-factor authentication
- My code is missing or unreadable
- I can't find my two-factor authentication backup codes
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My game crashes or freezes
- I can’t link my accounts
- I got an error message when redeeming a code
- I can’t find a match
- My retail box is missing items
- I forgot my Activision account password
- My game won't load or install
- I can’t connect online
- I want to leave feedback
- I’m missing an item I unlocked with the Battle Pass
- My Activision account was hacked
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I’m missing an item I bought in the Store
- I don’t have access to the email for my Activision account
- I didn't get the Kingsley Operator
- I have a question about my progression
- I can't find a match
- I'm having issues spending COD Points in game
- I can't link my accounts
- How do I add friends to my profile?
- My stats or rank were reset
- My account was temporarily banned
- I'm having an issue with two-factor authentication
- My rank was reset to 1 after I relinked my account
- I can't find my two-factor authentication backup codes
- Where do I enter my code?
- The game crashes or freezes
- My game won't load or install
- I'm missing an item I bought in the Store
- I didn't get the Night Raid Mastercraft Weapon Blueprint
- I didn't get an item from a promotion
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- I can't unlink an account
- I'm having issues purchasing COD Points from the Store
- I got an error when entering a code
- My Activision account was hacked
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I didn’t get an unlock or reward
- My code is missing or unreadable
- I can't connect online
- My retail box is missing items
- I'm having issues with my Battle Pass purchase
- I want to leave feedback
- My weapon stats were reset
- I forgot my Activision account password
- My account was permanently banned
- How do I change my name in game?
- I'm missing an item I unlocked with the Battle Pass
- I want to report a bug
- I'm not gaining progress from a Challenge
- I don't have access to the email for my Activision Account
- I want to report a player
- I didn't receive COD Points I bought
- I can't connect online
- I'm not gaining progress toward a challenge
- I forgot my Activision account password
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- I’m having issues purchasing COD Points from the Store
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I would like to report a player
- I’m missing an item I bought in the Store
- I’m having issues spending my COD Points in game
- I’d like to request a stats restoration
- My Activision account was hacked
- I didn't get my promotional item
- My game crashes or freezes
- My stats or rank were reset
- How do I change my name in game?
- I’m missing an item I unlocked with the Battle Pass
- I didn't receive an unlock or reward
- I want to leave feedback
- I received an error message when redeeming a code
- My weapon stats were reset
- How do I add friends to my profile?
- Where do I enter my code?
- I don't have access to the email for my Activision account
- My account was temporarily suspended
- I can't find a match
- My rank was reset to 1 after I relinked my account
- I’m having issues with my Battle Pass purchase
- I can't link or unlink my accounts
- My account was permanently banned
- I want to report a bug
- My code is missing or unreadable
- I want to report a bug
- I want to submit a warranty claim
- I didn't get an unlock or reward
- My game will not load or install
- I’m missing an item I purchased in the Store
- How do I add friends to my profile?
- I want to leave feedback
- My Activision account was hacked
- My weapon stats were reset
- I want to report a player
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- I’m having issues spending my COD Points in game
- My rank was reset to 1 after I relinked my account
- My game crashes or freezes
- My retail box is missing items
- I can't find a match
- I’m having issues with my Battle Pass purchase
- I want to request a stats restoration
- My game crashes or freezes
- I’m missing an item I unlocked with the Battle Pass
- My account was temporarily suspended
- I can't connect online
- I’m having issues purchasing COD Points from the Store
- My stats were altered or boosted
- How do I change my name in game?
- My account was permanently banned
- I forgot my Activision account password
- My Officer Rank was reset
- My stats or rank were reset in Multiplayer
- I don't have access to the email for my Activision account
- I can't link my accounts
- I’m not gaining progress toward an Officer Rank challenge
- I'm having an issue with two-factor authentication
- I didn't receive an Item I bought in the Skate Shop
- I'm missing XP that I earned
- I can't connect online
- How do I use Create a Park?
- I'm missing Cash that I earned
- My game won't load or install
- I didn't get a reward for completing a Challenge
- How do I connect to an online game?
- How do I create and customize a Skater?
- My stats were reset
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm having issues with Leaderboards
- What are Tours?
- What are Challenges?
- What Multiplayer game modes are available?
- How do I perform tricks?
- What are the minimum system requirements?
- I didn't get my Red Bull promo items
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- How do I score points?
- My retail box is missing items
- I didn't get my Vans promo items
- I can't connect online
- I need help loading my game
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- How do I change my Skin?
- My game won't load or install
- My game froze while updating
- I'm getting an error message
- What game modes are available?
- How do I play local Multiplayer?
- I'd like to report a bug
- My game needs an update
- I'd like to leave feedback
- How do I change Playstyles?
- I didn't receive COD Points I purchased
- I don't have access to the email for my Activision Account
- I’m having trouble connecting to the game
- I'm having trouble buying COD Points
- I want to leave feedback
- My Activision account was hacked
- I have a gameplay question
- I didn’t get an item I bought in the Store
- I forgot my Activision account password
- I’m having trouble downloading the app
- My account was permanently banned
- I can't find Call of Duty: Mobile in the app store
- I'm having an issue with two-factor authentication
- I'm getting a message saying my device doesn't have enough storage
- What should I do if the app won’t launch, freezes, or crashes?
- I want to report a bug
- I have a question about the game
- My account was temporarily banned
- What are the minimum requirements?
- I'm having a problem that's not listed
- I'm having trouble installing the game
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm having a problem that's not listed
- I'm having a problem that's not listed
- I didn't get the Classic Ghost Bundle
- I'm having issues with purchasing Wumpa Coins from the Store
- I can’t invite friends
- My game froze while updating
- I'm experiencing frame rate issues
- I didn’t receive a customization item I unlocked
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My game needs an update
- I didn’t receive a Trophy I earned
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm missing Wumpa Coins that I purchased or earned
- I didn’t receive a CTR Token I earned
- My game froze while updating
- I need help loading my game
- I can't connect online
- I'm having an issue with leaderboards
- I'm experiencing frame rate issues
- My retail box is missing items
- I can't find a race
- My game crashes or freezes
- I didn’t receive a customization item from a pre-order
- I didn’t receive a Key I earned
- I didn’t receive a CTR Token I earned
- My game needs an update
- I didn’t receive a Key I earned
- My game needs an update
- I didn’t receive a Relic I earned
- My game crashes or freezes
- I didn’t receive a Relic I earned
- I didn’t receive a customization item I unlocked
- My game froze while updating
- I’m missing Wumpa Coins I earned
- I didn’t receive a Trophy I earned
- I can’t invite friends
- I didn’t receive a customization item I purchased
- My game will not load/install
- My game crashes or freezes
- I need help saving my game
- My code doesn't work
- Where do I redeem my code?
- When do I get my digital content?
- My game froze while updating
- My game will not load/install
- My retail box is missing items
- I'm experiencing frame rate issues
- I need help loading my game
- I need help saving my game
- My game needs an update
- I'm getting an error message
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'd like to report a bug
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My game will not load/install
- My retail box is missing items
- I can't connect online
- I'm having issues with purchasing CoD Points from the Store
- I can't find a match
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm having issues with spending or converting currency in Zombies
- My stats were altered or boosted
- I would like to report a player
- My account has been temporarily suspended
- I can't find a match
- I can't connect online
- My retail box is missing items
- My game crashes or freezes
- Where do I enter my code?
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My game will not load/install
- I can't connect online
- I didn't receive an unlock or award
- My code is missing or unreadable
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My game crashes or freezes
- I received an error message when redeeming a code
- I didn't receive my Merits
- My stats or rank were reset in Multiplayer
- I can't find a match
- My stats or level were reset in Blackout
- My account has been permanently banned
- My game crashes or freezes
- My stats or level were reset in Zombies
- Issues with unlock tokens
- I’d like to request a stats restoration
- What comes in the United Front DLC Pack
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My code is missing or unreadable
- I'm having issues with spending, trading, or converting currency in-game
- How do I download DLC?
- My game crashes or freezes
- My game will not load/install
- What comes in the War Machine DLC Pack
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I can't find a match
- My account has been temporarily suspended
- What comes in the Resistance DLC Pack
- I'm having issues with purchasing COD Points from the Store
- Issues with unlock tokens
- My account has been permanently banned
- I can't download or play DLC
- I can't connect online
- My stats were altered or boosted
- My stats or rank were reset in Multiplayer
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My level was or stats were reset in Zombie Mode
- I received an error message when redeeming a code
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I’d like to request a stats restoration
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm having issues with my Season Pass
- My game crashes or freezes
- My retail box is missing items
- What comes in the Shadow War DLC Pack
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My code is missing or unreadable
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My game crashes or freezes
- My retail box is missing items
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- My code doesn't work
- My game will not load/install
- I'm having issues with spending, trading, or converting currency in-game
- My level or stats were reset in Campaign
- I didn't receive an unlock or award
- What comes in the Absolution DLC Pack
- What comes in the Sabotage DLC Pack
- My stats were altered or boosted
- I'm having issues with my Season Pass
- I have Season Pass but I'm being asked to pay for DLC
- My stats or ranks were reset in Multiplayer
- I can't find a match
- My code is missing or unreadable
- I'm having issues with purchasing CoD Points from the Store
- My level or stats were reset in Zombie Mode
- Issues with unlock tokens
- My code doesn't work
- My retail box is missing items
- I can't connect online
- My account has been permanently banned
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- I'd like to report a cheater
- My game crashes or freezes
- How do I download DLC?
- What comes in the Retribution DLC Pack
- What comes in the Continuum DLC Pack
- My game will not load/install
- I can't download or play DLC
- My game crashes or freezes
- My account has been temporarily suspended
- I can't download or play DLC
- I didn't receive an unlock or award
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My stats were altered or boosted
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I’m receiving an error when attempting to play DLC
- How do I download DLC?
- I can't find a match
- My game crashes or freezes
- My game crashes or freezes
- My retail box is missing items
- My Emblem or Paintjob has been reset
- I can't connect online
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'd like to report a cheater
- My code is missing or unreadable
- My stats or ranks were reset in Multiplayer
- What comes in the Variety Map Pack
- My account has been temporarily suspended
- My code doesn't work
- My level or stats were reset in Campaign
- My game will not load/install
- My account has been permanently banned
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I need help loading my game
- My toy is not functioning
- I did not receive my Platinum Chest purchase
- I need help saving my game
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm getting an error message
- My game crashes or freezes
- I did not receive my Blind Box Chest purchase
- An item I received is no longer in my inventory
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I lost my Copper Imaginator Chest after a disconnect from the game
- I did not receive my Copper Imaginator Chest purchase
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I lost my Blind Box Chest after a disconnect from the game
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- My game needs an update
- I am having trouble with Matchmaking in Racing mode
- My toy is corrupt or not saving data
- My Portal doesn't turn on
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My old portal doesn't work
- My Skylanders toy doesn't save gold or experience
- My Portal has dead spots
- I'm having trouble with chat in Racing Mode
- I lost my Platinum Chest after a disconnect from the game
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- My code doesn't work
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- System Requirements
- I’m having a technical problem
- I'm having a story problem
- I'm having a story problem
- System Requirements
- I’m having a technical problem
- System Requirements
- I’m having a technical problem
- System Requirements
- I'm having a story problem
- System Requirements
- I'm having a story problem
- I'm having a story problem
- I’m having a technical problem
- I’m having a technical problem
- I’m having a technical problem
- I'm having a story problem
- System Requirements
- My profile has been permanently banned
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My profile's emblem was reset
- I received an error when opening a Supply Drop
- I can't connect online
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I didn't receive an Advanced Supply Drop after leveling or prestiging
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My stats were altered or boosted
- My game crashes or freezes
- My profile has been temporarily suspended
- I'd like to report a cheater
- My stats or ranks were reset in Multiplayer
- I accidentally deleted a Loot item
- How do I download DLC?
- My stats or rank were reset in Exo Survival Mode
- My game will not load/install
- I have a question about Micro DLC
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I didn't receive an unlocked upgrade or award in Exo Survival Mode
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My profile has been banned from using the Emblem Editor
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I didn’t receive an unlocked upgrade or award in Multiplayer
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My profile received a full inventory reset
- My game is missing items
- My game crashes or freezes
- I can't connect online
- Issues with unlock tokens
- My code doesn't work
- I can't connect online
- How do I download DLC?
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- What comes in The Awakening DLC Pack
- I'm having issues with my Season Pass
- What comes in the Descent DLC Pack
- I can't download or play DLC
- I'd like to report a cheater
- I can't connect online
- My level or stats were reset in Campaign
- I'm having issues with a Personalization Pack
- What comes in the Zombies Chronicles content expansion?
- The game freezes during installation
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My stats were altered or boosted
- I'm having issues with spending, trading, or converting currency in-game
- My account has been permanently suspended
- I can't find a match
- My stats or ranks were reset in Multiplayer
- What comes in The Eclipse DLC Pack
- My Emblem or Paintjob has been reset
- My game crashes or freezes
- My level or stats were reset in Zombie Mode
- I need help with my Call of Duty: Black Ops III Soundtrack code
- I didn't receive an unlock or award
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My game will not load/install
- I'm having trouble accessing the Zombie Map The Giant
- I'm having issues with purchasing CoD Points from the Store
- My account has been temporarily suspended
- What comes in The Salvation DLC Pack
- I didn't receive an unlock or award
- My retail box is missing items
- My code is missing or unreadable
- My stats or rank were reset in Multiplayer
- I'd like to report a cheater
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I am missing a Trophy/Achievement for completing a Challenge
- I can't connect online
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I didn't receive a Title/Emblem after completing a Challenge
- My weapon, perk, or camo is not unlocking
- My game is missing items
- I can't download or play DLC
- My stats were altered or boosted
- I can't hear anybody in voice chat
- My game will not load/install
- I have a question about Micro DLC
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My Prestige Tokens from previous Call of Duty games are not showing up
- I have been temporarily banned
- My Strike Force mission did not unlock
- I didn't receive a Prestige Token after entering Prestige Mode
- I have been permanently banned
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I didn't receive a Title/Emblem after I completed the Challenge
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My upgrades will not unlock
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- The light on my guitar will not turn on
- I'm having an issue with the Advanced Calibration settings
- A part of my guitar is broken
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I can't sync my guitar to my console
- I did not get my reward for leveling up my Hero Rank
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My hero rank or stats have been corrupted
- The neck will not connect to the body of my guitar
- The light on my wireless receiver will not turn on
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm getting an error message
- I'm getting an error message
- I need help loading my game
- My Amiibo Skylanders do not work
- My Portal doesn't turn on
- I lost my Mega Kit after a disconnect from the game
- I need help saving my game
- My game won't save
- An item I received is no longer in my inventory
- I'm having trouble in a group in Racing Mode
- My toy is corrupt or not saving data
- I lost my Super Kit after a disconnect from the game
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm having trouble with chat in Racing Mode
- The moving parts on my vehicle are broken
- I did not receive my Mega Kit purchase
- I am having trouble with Matchmaking in Racing mode
- My old portal doesn't work
- I lost my Boost Kit after a disconnect from the game
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- My toy is not functioning
- I did not receive my Super Kit purchase
- Where can I find the toys?
- My game froze while updating
- I need help syncing my portal
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- I did not receive my Boost Kit purchase
- My Skylanders toy doesn't save gold or experience
- My game needs an update
- My Portal has dead spots
- Stickers, posters, and in-game achievements
- My game is missing items
- My game crashes or freezes
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I have been permanently banned
- I can't connect online
- I'd like to report a cheater
- My game crashes or freezes
- My game will not load/install
- I'm having an issue with my Helmet Camera
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My stats were altered or boosted
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My stats or ranks were reset in Multiplayer
- I didn't receive an unlocked upgrade or award in Multiplayer
- I'm experiencing a lot of lag
- I can't download or play DLC
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- My retail box is missing items
- I'm having a problem that is not listed
- I'd like to submit a warranty claim
- My game will not load/install
- My game crashes or freezes