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Chivalry: Medieval Warfare General FAQ

General questions about Chivalry: Medieval Warfare on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

This article answers questions concerning issues that may occur while playing Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Please note that this article contains no strategy guides, hints, or tips.


The jump ability becomes disabled during training. Once in Single Player or Multiplayer mode, pressing A (Xbox) or X (PlayStation) will perform the jump action.

This can occur if a player leaves the playable area or doesn't follow the training instructions. If you get stuck in training, you will need to open the Pause menu and select Leave Game. This will bring you back to the Main Menu, and training will need to be restarted from the beginning.

This can happen if Baern or Shifty are blocking the area where the player should respawn, particularly if the player dies multiple times in a row without moving. If you get stuck in training, you will need to open the Pause menu and select Leave Game. This will bring you back to the Main Menu, and training will need to be restarted from the beginning.

Setting up Matches

This can happen if a player signs out of a profile while inside the Customization menu, signs back into a profile at the Press Start screen, and then proceeds to host a match.

If this occurs, you will need to restart the game on your console.

  • On Xbox: Press the Guide button, then press Y to go to Xbox Home.
  • On PS3: Open the XMB and select Quit Game.

This will occur if a match is terminated while the Joining Game message is displayed.

If you are stuck on the Joining Game screen, you will need to restart the game on your console.

  • On Xbox: Press the Guide button, then press Y to go to Xbox Home.
  • On PS3: Open the XMB and select Quit Game.

This message will display if the internet connection was interrupted or lost when attempting to create a match. Try again, and if you continue to receive the error message, please check your internet connection.


This can happen is the player signs out of a profile while the Change Colors prompt is displayed. To resolve this, simply switch to a different item category then return to the previous item category.

If you get stuck in the Customization menu, you will need to restart the game on your console.

  • On Xbox: Press the Guide button, then press Y to go to Xbox Home.
  • On PS3: Open the XMB and select Quit Game.


When first joining a game, players can choose any faction they desire, regardless of the number of players on each team. Once in-game, however, players cannot switch to a team that has more players in it. To balance a team manually, use the Switch Team option in the Pause menu.

Select a class and spawn in-game. From the Pause menu, select Change Loadout and choose the desired equipment.

Options to Mute and Kick other players are only accessible when the Scoreboard is toggled open.

Damage dealt by using Catapults or Oil Pots are not included in the Damage statistic.

This is a design choice. The rounds are being tracked properly and the progression bar increases according to actual progress.

Occasionally, players can get stuck between objects on the map or in an unplayable area of the map. Try to work your way out, either by going backwards the way you came or by moving quickly in all directions. If this doesn't get you free, you will need to access the Pause menu and select Respawn.

This is known to occur when a player is reloading the crossbow just before a round switch. Shooting a bolt and then reloading will resolve the issue.


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