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Skylanders Imaginators Toy FAQ

This article will help answer questions about the Physical Skylanders Imaginators toys.

The following article addresses commonly asked questions regarding Skylanders Imaginators toys. Please note that this FAQ only addresses the physical toys.

If you have questions about Skylanders toy compatibility, please see the Skylanders Toy Compatibility FAQ. If you have questions about the Portal of Power, please see the Skylanders Imaginators Portal of Power FAQ. If you have gameplay questions, please check out the Skylanders Imaginators Gameplay FAQ. For more information on Creation Crystals or creating Skylanders, please check out the Create Your Own Skylanders FAQ.

Yes! Every Skylanders toy that has ever been released will work in Skylanders Imaginators.

As with older Skylanders toys, Imaginator Senseis can be reset back to level one using the in-game reset controls.

To reset your toy, follow these steps:

  • Start Imaginators.
  • Load your saved game.
  • Place the toy you wish to reset on the Portal of Power.
  • Go to the Upgrade menu.
  • Select Reset and follow the on-screen instructions to reset your toy.

Please note: This decision cannot be reversed.

Important! The first time you use a Creation Crystal, the game will ask you to select a “Battle Class.” There are ten different Battle Classes in all, and each class offers a variety of unique powers and skills to your Skylander. Once you select your Battle Class, your Creation Crystal is permanently set to that Battle Class. There are no options to reset a Creation Crystal or change a Battle Class.

No. The new Skylanders Imaginators toys, Senseis, and Creation Crystals will not work in any previous Skylanders game.

Yes. Both characters will work on any console that can run Skylanders Imaginators.

As with other older Skylanders toys, both Donkey Kong and Bowser and their vehicles are supported in Skylanders Imaginators. These characters, however, are exclusive to the Wii U version of Skylanders Imaginators.

This message can sometimes appear if another Skylanders toy is placed near the Portal of Power but not directly on it. Simply clear the area around your Portal of Power of all Skylanders toys and restart the game.

Another reason for this message could be that the Portal or Power is close to magnetic objects or electronic devices. Make sure the Portal of Power is at least a few feet away from these kinds of objects.

If these tips do not stop the message from appearing, you can reset your toy back to level one by using the in-game Toy Reset feature.

To reset your toy, follow these steps:

  • Start Imaginators.
  • Load your saved game.
  • Place the toy you wish to reset on the Portal of Power.
  • Go to the Upgrade menu.
  • Select Reset and follow the on-screen instructions to reset your toy.

Please note: This decision cannot be reversed. In addition, Creation Crystals cannot be reset.

If this message continues to appear and your toy is still under warranty, you can request a replacement.

Skylanders Imaginators is unable to recover a corrupted Trap. It can, however, be recovered in Skylanders Trap Team.

If you do not have a copy of Skylanders Trap Team you can request a replacement Trap.

Talking to Pandergast while the Racing Trophy is on the Portal of Power should fix the toy. Pandergast is located on the M.A.P.

If this does not fix the Racing Trophy and it is still under warranty, you can request a replacement toy.

The game doesn’t save to the toy constantly. Removing the toy from the Portal of Power too soon after collecting something can prevent the game from properly saving information on the toy. After collecting anything, be sure to wait about 30 seconds before removing the toy from the Portal of Power to make sure you keep it.

There is a rare issue that can occur after playing for extended periods of time or after changing the Skylander on the Portal of Power numerous times. Unplugging and re-plugging the Portal of Power fixes the issue, but you’ll need to earn the experience and money again.

One of the most fun elements of a Skylanders toy is that the more it is used, the more personalized it becomes. There are a bunch of ways to personalize a Skylanders toy, and since data is saved on the toy, you can take it to a friend’s house and play with your personalized toy on your friend’s console.

Here’s a list of what gets saved directly on a toy:

  • Experience points and levels
  • Nickname
  • Owner
  • Quests completed
  • Treasures
  • Currently equipped Hats and Trinkets
  • Stat boosts
  • Skill upgrades
  • Imaginite Shards
  • Imaginator Class specialization

Important! The first time you use a Creation Crystal, the game will ask you to select a “Battle Class.” There are ten different Battle Classes in all, and each class offers a variety of unique powers and skills to your Skylander. Once you select your Battle Class, your Creation Crystal is permanently set to that Battle Class. There are no options to reset a Creation Crystal or change a Battle Class.

Data is automatically saved to a toy about every 30 seconds and whenever one of the following happens:

  • The Skylander gains a level
  • You collect 100 pieces of gold
  • You buy a skill upgrade
  • You change hats
  • You change the Skylander’s nickname or owner
  • You reset the toy
  • You place a Skylanders toy on the Portal of Power for the first time
  • Skill upgrades
  • The Skylander gets a stat boost after completing a challenge
  • You swap out an Imaginite Shard
Always wait about 30 seconds after any of these events before taking a Skylander off the Portal of Power. This will give the game time to save data on the toy.

The following items are saved on a player’s console. As a result, these items will need to be unlocked again when playing on a friend’s console:

  • Gameplay progression: When playing as a guest or on a friend’s console, the levels that a player unlocks will have to be replayed and unlocked again.
  • Challenges: Completing a Challenge as a guest or on a friend’s console will not unlock the challenge on your home console.
  • Collectibles
  • Hats, Imaginite Mystery Chests, and Imaginite Shards: Collected Hats, Imaginite Mystery Chests, and Imaginite Shards will be stored on the console where they are discovered. Only the Hat and Creation Crystal options that are currently being used by the Skylander are stored on the Skylander and can be taken with the toy and used on another console.

If a Skylanders toy is not registering after placing it on the Portal of Power, or it only works when being held above the Portal of Power, try the following tests to see what’s wrong. You might not need to do all of these tests:

  • Replace the batteries in your Portal of Power
  • The Skylander might have been placed on a “dead spot” on the Portal of Power. Dead spots can appear when more than one Skylanders toy or item is placed on the Portal of Power, especially if they’re too close to one another. Try moving the Skylanders toy to a different spot on the Portal of Power.
  • Try another Skylanders toy on the Portal of Power. If none of them work, the problem might be with the Portal of Power. If the other toys do work, the problem is with the toy.

If you have determined that the problem is with either the toy or the Portal of Power and the item is still under warranty, you can request a replacement.

The number of Skylanders of the same element inside the Skylanders Collection menu influences the elemental strength stat. If the same number of toys is unlocked on both consoles, the elemental strength will be the same.

Any Skylander can be used by either player in Skylanders Imaginators. Since information is saved directly onto the toy and it becomes more personalized the more it is used, if you want a personalized version of a particular character, you will have to own your own toy.

No. This is by design. Skylanders Imaginators is slightly tougher than older games due to the greater power of both Senseis and Imaginators. As a result, playing the game using older Skylanders toys will be more difficult. That being said, it is perfectly possible to complete the game using any Skylanders character.


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