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Question: My Call of Duty: WWII stats and rank or are lower than where they were the last time I played. What happened?
Answer: If your stats and rank become altered or modified outside of normal game mechanics, the Call of Duty servers will attempt to restore them using the most recently stored backup. This means that your stats and rank might not be exactly where they were before the reset occurred.
Question: What might have caused this?
Answer: Stats and rank issues can occur for a variety of reasons, including:
Question: How can I ensure this doesn't happen?
Answer: Here are some best practices to protect your rank and stats:
Question: Is there any way to restore my rank and stats to their previous state?
Answer: Select your platform to contact us and request to have corrupted rank or stats restored.
Please note: While we make our best efforts to resolve your issue, restoration of rank or stats is not guaranteed.