问题 |
说明 |
My Clan Tag changed and I can’t change it back. ——所有平台 |
An issue altering some Clan Tags is under investigation. If you need help restoring access to editing Clan Tags, please reach out to us for help. |
One of my Loadouts changed. ——所有平台 |
An issue causing the Primary Weapon in a Loadout to reset to the XM4 Assault Rifle upon selection is under investigation. |
I can’t access a Ranked Play reward. ——所有平台 |
An issue preventing some players from accessing Legacy Top 250 Rewards from Modern Warfare II Ranked Play within Warzone is under investigation. |
I can’t access the Armory. ——所有平台 |
The Armory has been temporarily disabled to investigate an issue. |
I didn't get the Fresh Grind emblem. ——所有平台 |
An issue with the delivery of the Fresh Grind emblem for eligible CDL stream viewers is under investigation. |
我的一个特遣队员外观被锁住了。 ——所有平台 |
正在调查“幽灵 - 金色幻影或柯尼格 - 蒸汽特遣队员外观”在《战争地带》中被锁住的问题。 |
我收到一条消息说“一个或多个扩充包已过期。 ——PlayStation 4 |
一些PlayStation 4玩家在游戏中一直收到DLC弹出消息。此问题正在与索尼PlayStation进行调查。 |