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If you are experiencing connectivity issues attempting to play a Call of Duty game on PlayStation Network, your first steps should be to check the PlayStation Network Status page and server status of the Call of Duty game you are playing.
If the status for the Call of Duty game you’re playing is not at DEFCON 5 indicating that all online services are fully operational, you may encounter lag or connectivity issues until the status has returned to DEFCON 5.
If the status for the Call of Duty game you’re playing is at DEFCON 5, there are a number of steps that you can take to improve the quality of your connection.
Run through the basics
Here are a few things to note before delving any deeper:
Test PlayStation Network Connection
Find out more about connection tests on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.
Test your home networking
The following tests require you to log in to the router on your home network to troubleshoot your network. You will need your router’s login credentials to proceed. If you do not have your router’s login credentials, you will need to contact your Internet Service Provider.
These tests refer to options that are typically found in a router’s menu. If you cannot find what you’re looking for, please refer to your router’s manual.
You may not need to perform all of these tests, so be sure to test the game after attempting each one.
If you are on an institutional (school), corporate, or other shared network, please refer to your network administrator for further assistance.
Test 1: Universal Plug and Play
Test 2: Port Forwarding
Test 3: DMZ