
Known Issues in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Issues being tracked in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

This page contains a running list of issues that have been identified or reported in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® II and are either under investigation or scheduled to be fixed. Be sure to check back often as we'll continually update this page.

If you don't see an issue that you're experiencing below, you can report it using the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Bug Report form.




I can’t launch Campaign.

– All platforms

Some players have reported the inability to launch Modern Warfare II Campaign and receiving notification that Campaign is not installed even when it is installed.

I’m experiencing performance loss on PC.

– PC

If you’re experiencing performance issues on PC, please reach out to us. We ask that you have a DxDiag file ready to share.

1. Search “dxdiag” on your PC.
2. Open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
3. Select Save All Information.

I'm not gaining XP after completing Daily Challenges.

– All platforms

We're investigating a graphical issue where XP bonuses earned for completing Daily Challenges are displaying as 0 in the After Action Report.

I'm getting a message saying "One or more DLC packs are out of date."

– PlayStation 4

Some PlayStation 4 players are receiving persistent DLC pop-up messages in game. This issue is being investigated with Sony PlayStation.

Looking For More Help?

The Software License and Service Agreement will be updated. Please follow this link [https://www.activision.com/legal/ap-eula] in order to see these changes.