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If you are experiencing connectivity issues attempting to play a Call of Duty game on Xbox Live, your first step should be to check the server status of the Call of Duty game you are playing.
If the status indicator for your platform is not green or an alert is present, you might encounter connectivity issues until services are restored and fully operational.
However, if the status indicator is green and no alert is posted, several other factors could be affecting the quality of your connection.
If you are having issues signing in to your account, there are likely issues with your Xbox connecting to the internet. Please refer to the following:
If you’re signed in but are having trouble connecting, check the Xbox Live Status page for connectivity alerts, maintenances, or other factors indicating that servers are not fully operational. If there are issues with the Xbox Live servers, you might experience connectivity issues until the servers return to full operation.
Testing your connection might reveal the root cause of a problem. Follow the steps below to test your console’s connection.
Xbox 360
Xbox One
If this test finds a break in your connection, you’ll receive an error message. This message identifies, in order of priority, where your connection failed, and offers troubleshooting steps to help correct the problem. Learn more about network connection test error messages.
Please note: You can also run Test multiplayer connection to identify issues leading to lag, disconnects, or other game-related network issues.
For more help with Xbox One connection issues, check out the following pages:
You can also check your internet connection bandwidth at speedtest.net.
Run through the basics
Here are a few tips to note before delving any deeper:
The following tests require you to log in to the router on your home network to troubleshoot your network. You will need your router’s login credentials to proceed. If you do not have your router’s login credentials, you will need to contact your Internet Service Provider.
These tests refer to options that are typically found in a router’s menu. If you cannot find what you’re looking for, please refer to your router’s manual.
You may not need to perform all of these tests, so be sure to test the game after attempting each one.
If you are on an institutional (school), corporate, or other shared network, please refer to your network administrator for further assistance.
Please note: Once you have tested DMZ, be sure to remove your Static IP address from your router's DMZ.
If none of the tests or troubleshooting tips above solves your connectivity issues, please contact your Internet Service Provide for further assistance.