
Call of Duty Voice Chat Moderation FAQ

An overview of the Call of Duty’s beta initiative to improve voice chat. Information is subject to change.

1. Why has Call of Duty added voice chat moderation?

Call of Duty®’s new voice moderation protects players by proactively identifying toxic behavior and enforcing the Call of Duty Code of Conduct, allowing our community to focus on the fun.

Player reporting is still valuable and available in game for players to communicate instances of toxic or disruptive behavior they may encounter; however, voice chat moderation will increase our ability to identify and enforce against bad behavior that has gone unreported.

2. How does Call of Duty’s voice chat moderation work?

Voice Chat Moderation is managed and operated by Activision and uses the AI-powered model ToxMod from Modulate. This system is integrated into select Call of Duty titles (see below) and is managed by Activision. Voice chat is monitored and recorded to identify and investigate disruptive behavior in violation of the Call of Duty Code of Conduct.

Call of Duty’s Voice Chat Moderation system is focused on detecting harm within voice chat versus specific keywords. Violations of the Call of Duty Code of Conduct are subject to account enforcement.

3. What types of disruptive behavior are detected?

The Call of Duty Voice Chat Moderation system moderates based on the existing Call of Duty Code of Conduct. Voice chat that includes bullying or harassment will not be tolerated.

4. What are the penalties for violating the Call of Duty Code of Conduct?

Read the Call of Duty Security and Enforcement Policy for information regarding violations and penalties.

5. Which titles and regions are protected by Call of Duty’s voice chat moderation?

Initial beta rollout of the Call of Duty Voice Chat Moderation system will begin in North America only for Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® II and Call of Duty: Warzone®.

Global rollout, excluding Asia, will begin with Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® III on November 10, 2023.

6. What languages are supported?

At initial beta rollout, the Voice Chat Moderation System will analyze voice chat in English. Following the global launch of Modern Warfare III, voice chat moderation will expand to Spanish and Portuguese across all supported titles. Additional languages to be announced later.

7. Can I opt-out of voice chat moderation?

Players that do not wish to have their voice chat recorded and moderated can disable in-game voice chat in the settings menu.

8. I received a notification in game. What does it mean?

Players can receive notifications as warnings or when issued a penalty.

Warnings indicate that the Voice Chat Moderation system detected offensive language and may lead to a penalty if use of the language continues.

Penalties indicate that the Voice Chat Moderation system detected language that violates the Call of Duty Code of Conduct, and that the player’s voice chat has been muted in game.

9. How can I check the status of a notification I received?

The status of reports can be found in your in-game Notifications. Open the menu in the top right corner of the Home screen and navigate to Notifications (the bell icon). From there, select a Report Status Changed notification, then select View Report Status. The status screen will include the reason for and details of a report, as well as the duration of a penalty, if applicable.

10. If I receive a voice chat warning or penalty, am I also banned from playing the game?

Players who receive voice chat warnings or in-game voice communication penalties can still play the game. However, per the Offensive Behavior section of the Call of Duty Security and Enforcement Policy, extreme or repeated offenses may lead to a permanent suspension from playing the game online.

11. Does voice chat moderation enforcement happen in real time?

Detection happens in real time, with the system categorizing and flagging toxic language based on the Call of Duty Code of Conduct as it is detected. Detected violations of the Code of Conduct may require additional reviews of associated recordings to identify context before enforcement is determined. Therefore, actions taken will not be instantaneous. As the system grows, our processes and response times will evolve.

12. Does this system ban “trash-talk” from Call of Duty?

The system helps enforce the existing Code of Conduct, which allows for “trash-talk” and friendly banter. Hate speech, discrimination, sexism, and other types of harmful language, as outlined in the Code of Conduct, will not be tolerated.

13. Does AI enforce violations of the Code of Conduct it detects?

Call of Duty’s Voice Chat Moderation system only submits reports about toxic behavior, categorized by its type of behavior and a rated level of severity based on an evolving model. Activision determines how it will enforce voice chat moderation violations.

14. Can I appeal a voice chat penalty?

Voice chat muting is a temporary penalty and is not eligible for appeal. Please review the Call of Duty Code of Conduct and the Call of Duty Security and Enforcement Policy for more information about why penalties may be applied to accounts.

The Software License and Service Agreement will be updated. Please follow this link [https://www.activision.com/legal/ap-eula] in order to see these changes.